Why Civil Engineering Companies in New Orleans are Keen on Streetcars

If you’re a worker, the daily commute is a huge, if not long, part of your day.

This is hardly surprising in a city like New Orleans, where about 134,000 people commute to work every day. Whether you are driving or riding a bus, you can’t help but wish the trip were faster. After all, the sooner you get to the office, the more work you will finish, and the earlier you go home.

When it comes to relieving traffic congestion, the solution may not always be obvious. Case in point: streetcars.

While New Orleans may not be the first city that comes to mind when the word, “streetcar,” is uttered, there are many reasons why civil engineering companies in New Orleans believe streetcars are an ideal option.

Greater Capacity

The city buses ferry thousands of New Orleans residents each day, but a streetcar system can transport more people than buses do. Because the streetcar can be designed as a multi-car train, it allows municipalities to expand passenger capacity as needed by simply adding a car. Consequently, streetcars present a viable alternative in cities where ridership outpaces the capacity of buses.

More Affordable in the Long Run

It’s true that, upfront, streetcars are more expensive to build than other alternatives, but they offer considerable long-term savings. For instance, their ability to transport more people per trip translates into huge fuel savings. Likewise, a streetcar system requires minimal manpower—just one driver and conductor per trip—eliminating the need to keep a fleet of drivers on payroll.

Less Confusing for Commuters

Bus routes can become confusing, especially to newer residents of New Orleans. Streetcars, on the other hand, operate on fixed routes making trips far more streamlined, and can even minimize the number of stops, helping to quicken the commute.

More Comfortable

If you have ever ridden a bus, you know that the trip can be more than a bit bumpy. Not so with streetcars, which glide along fixed rails that are inherently smoother, rendering a far more comfortable ride than a bus can.

Improving traffic conditions is not just a matter of improving transportation—it’s about improving quality of life. Fortunately, the city, with the help of trusted New Orleans civil engineering firms, plans to construct the Canal Streetcar Line to ease congestion.

Because of innovative commuter options such as streetcars, traveling to and from work can become that much more bearable—if not enjoyable.


Baton Rouge has most commuters in Louisiana, nola.com

Six Less Obvious Benefits to Streetcars, streets.mn