How Structural Engineering Services Can Help for Your Home or Business

A lot of people tend to become confused about the relationship between civil and structural engineering, or if there is even a delineation between the two at all. Actually, structural engineering is a subset of the practice of civil engineering. Both, after all, are concerned with the integrity of the structure about to be constructed.

Structural engineering firms, however, are focused more on how well a structure can withstand pressures and stresses of the surrounding environment, so that it can be guaranteed safe for daily use. From wind velocities to possible earthquake effects, the goal of a structural engineer is to ensure that the roads and buildings, as well as, any other type of structures will remain standing.

Job Specifics

Structural engineering services can be characterized as supportive and complementary of the tasks that civil engineers carry out. Structural engineers are the ones checking on the frames of the structure, computing for the maximum load capacity that an infrastructure such as a bridge can carry, for example.

The same goes for when they are working on a building; the height of the building plays an important role in computing for how wide the base should be in order for the structure to be able to stand tall. It’s crucial that the structure is able to withstand the onslaught of many various elements affecting it on a daily basis, such as wind, rain and even the load of simultaneous activities from the building users.

Commercial or Residential Contributions

Structural engineering services, such as those offered by firms like ILSI Engineering are not limited only to big ticket items like bridges and high rises. Even residential projects could yield great benefits when a professional structural engineer becomes involved. They can be tapped to look into the construction of roof sections like beams, joists, trusses and rafters. Meanwhile, floor framings are also something they can deal with, including the floor decks and girders, as well as, foundations and walls concerns.

Needless to say, a structural engineer can help you have a sturdier, better designed and well-constructed building or infrastructure. Don’t be too quick to overlook the help that they can provide you, especially given their knowledge and expertise.


What is Structural Engineering? LiveScience.

Structural Design. FAO.